Meet some of our caregivers

Jean Kaiser


What drove you to work with SHS?
I learned from my dad about his day-to-day happy times and struggles while caring for my mom during the three years she had Alzheimer’s. They lived in New Mexico and I visited often to help. Over the last six years, to give a break to some of my friends, I have spent time caring for their elderly parents. After retirement, I learned about SHS through a friend whose sister loved the caregivers she had from SHS. I knew that’s what I wanted to pursue. I have been with SHS since September 2023.

What did you do before working with SHS?
I was an administrative assistant working for both industry and the U.S. Army.

What type of help and companionship do you provide for your clients?
I help with housework, grocery shopping, cooking, food prep, driving, medication reminders, and technical assistance with computer, phone, or appliance issues. I also provide companionship, like listening, walking, cards, and board games.

What’s a typical day in the life with you and one of your clients?
One of my clients is a delightful 97-year-old woman with a very compromised short-term memory. A typical visit begins with ensuring she took her medications and had lunch, talking about her family and the birds and plants in her backyard, and helping create a grocery list. Grocery shopping is always fun because she is so thoughtful and meticulous with everything that goes in the cart and so curious about the myriad offerings. If time and weather permit, we go for a walk afterward.

What is your favorite part about SHS? 
Besides the bonds made with my clients, my favorite things about SHS are the opportunities for training and fun caregiver events. I loved the bowling event where SHS personnel and caregivers got to know each other better.

What is one of your favorite memories about working with SHS?
I loved hearing from a client’s daughter that my visits greatly brightened her mom’s day. Her mom had moderate dementia, but we became fast friends. I asked her questions about her growing up, parents, and jobs, and she became animated while taking me through it all. We laughed a lot, listened to music, looked at family photo albums, and both of us looked forward to our next time together.

When you aren’t working with SHS, what are your hobbies?
I love spending time with my family and friends, long walks, movies, and taking Bollywood dance lessons.

Mark Lamb


How long have you been with SHS? What drove you to work with SHS?  
I started with SHS in December 2023. I previously volunteered driving a food bank van, delivering food and other things to senior communities where I lived. I saw how helping others in small ways could make a big difference in their lives. Working at SHS seemed to be a natural extension of that.

What did you do before working with SHS?
I was licensed as a certified public accountant and worked in the California state government for 42 years in different capacities.

What is your favorite part about SHS?   
I very much enjoy the interaction with the clients I serve – seeing them smile, hearing them laugh, and making that connection. I get so much back from the time with my clients.  

What type of help and companionship do you provide for your clients? 
Primarily mental stimulation and easy physical activity. Sometimes I’ll make a small meal during our time together. I try to be a friend and be as engaged with them as their situation and the day allows. 

What’s a typical day in the life with you and one of your clients?
Each day is a little bit different. If appropriate, I like to let them lead and do with them what they want that day. We play board games, card games, work on puzzles, or go for short walks. We also discuss historical events and some of their life accomplishments and memories.  

What is one of your favorite memories about working with SHS?
As I was leaving after my first appointment with a new client, he remarked to his wife, “We solved a lot of the world’s problems today.” It made me feel that I was having a positive impact and his day was better because I was there.

When you aren’t working with SHS, what are your hobbies?
I’m a travel nut. I love road trips and have driven through almost every state, including driving to Alaska and back. I also like exploring overseas and have been to Hong Kong, Thailand, Japan, India, Australia, and Italy.

Rachel Diaz


How long have you been with SHS? What drove you to work with SHS? 
I have been with SHS since July 2023. I love spending time with the older generation because much can be learned from them. My aunt was a nurse in a memory care unit for 40 years and she used to take me to work with her sometimes. When I saw the SHS job, I jumped at the opportunity to follow in her footsteps. 

What did you do before working with SHS?
I worked in an office setting for many years. After I had my kids, I stayed home with them and had a couple of people I cared for on the side, but I wanted to be a caregiver full-time.

What is your favorite part about SHS?
The support and encouragement we get from our supervisors and the personal reward of making clients as happy as possible for as long as we can.

What type of help/companionship do you provide for your clients? 
I am very upbeat and animated, and it can really help bring a client’s mood up. I try to keep them involved with whatever activities they loved before, whether it’s a walk or puzzles.

What’s a typical day in the life with you and one of your clients?
With my full-time client, the day starts at 6:30 a.m. After he wakes up, I help him wash up, make sure he takes his medications, and give him breakfast. We do chair yoga, word games, and listen to lots of jazz because it calms him. We head to lunch about 12 p.m. and I leave at 1 p.m. 

What is one of your favorite memories about working with SHS?
What sticks out most for me is the fact that you can make a difference in someone’s life over and over again. That’s the reward for me – to see the smile and form that bond.

When you aren’t working with SHS, what do you like to do? 
I have two daughters that I spend most of my time with. We love to sing and play music, go on road trips, ski, play games, and visit my family in Martha’s Vineyard.

Rose Lee


How long have you been with SHS? What drove you to work with SHS?  
I’ve been working for SHS for around a year after the COVID pandemic led me to an early nursing retirement. I feel blessed to be a part of this special group of professionals. 

What did you do before working with SHS?
I have been an RN for over 45 years in orthopedics, internal medicine, ICU, OR, and psychiatry. I love to incorporate my nursing knowledge to care for my clients.

What type of help/companionship do you provide for your clients?
I try to help with anything they need within my ability and the parameters of service offered by SHS. That can be companionship, self-care assistance, joint exercises, housekeeping needs, grocery shopping, laundry, medication reminders, and, most of all, safety.

What’s a typical day in the life with you and one of your clients?
I start by checking in with the client and identifying a list of things we want to accomplish together. I’ll get started with the laundry first, then prepare a healthy meal, as well as encourage adequate fluid intake. I also give medication reminders, assist clients with activities of daily living, and incorporate exercise like taking walks in the neighborhood.

What is one of your favorite memories about working with SHS?
I really enjoyed being a driver for a client who gave up his driver’s license after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Driving him to the golf course and witnessing his delight at being on the lush, green field was priceless.

When you aren’t working with SHS, what are your hobbies?
I have been playing tennis on a ladies’ tennis doubles team for over 20 years. I recently gave up team tennis but still play socially two to three times per week.

Jocelyn Green


Jocelyn is a true altruist who’s most at home helping others, including members of her church and her SHS clients. Here, she shares her favorite things about working for SHS and how she ends her days with clients on a sweet note.

Q: What drove you to work with SHS?  
A: I started working for SHS in 2018 because I enjoy helping people! I was always helping my in-laws by doing errands, as well as visiting them and the sick and shut-in from our congregation, so I thought this would be a nice thing to do since I was retired.

Q: What’s a typical day in the life with you and one of your clients? What types of help and companionship do you provide?
A: A typical day with one of my clients is getting them up if they are not already awake, making sure they eat breakfast or brunch, and helping them shower. Throughout the day, we’ll talk, read their emails together, walk outside, go grocery shopping, sit outside, or get a change of scenery by going to activities. Then, we go to dinner and J.P. Licks for ice cream!

Q: What is your favorite part about SHS?   
A: I love meeting new people, both new clients and fellow SHS employees at gatherings. I especially enjoy the new clients because they educate me while I’m trying to help them, which is great! One of my favorite memories was when I got a chance to work with a client from my hometown of Detroit.  

Q: When you aren’t working with SHS, what do you like to do?
A: I’m very involved with my church, whether attending services or visiting the sick. I love to read when I can find the time.


Kathy Cunningham


Q: What inspired you to work with SHS, and what did you do before working with SHS? 
A: As a senior myself, I found that time was heavy on my hands, and the salary helps me assist my grandson as he gets his start in life.

Before I started working with SHS, I was a high school English teacher. I also served as editor for the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Q: What is your favorite part about SHS?   
A: I love meeting such nice colleagues and clients. It’s interesting to see how people cope with the last chapter of their lives – I take notes!

Q: What’s a typical day in the life with you and one of your clients?
A: One client I see for three hours on three different days of the week. We both look forward to seeing each other and attending events at their assisted living. When nothing of interest is scheduled, we chat, play cards, or go shopping.

Another client and I had a great time driving to little-known parks in the Boston area. It was a beautiful day, and although we didn’t leave the car, we opened both front doors and felt as if we were in the parks.

Q: What’s your secret to helping clients?
A: I always strive to listen to clients and remember small things about their needs – things that may not seem very important in general but are important to them.

Q: When you aren’t working with SHS, how do you spend your free time?
A: When I’m not working, I play as much bridge as possible! I also belong to a French conversation group at the Senior Center in Belmont.


Theresa Dimeo


Theresa brings a wealth of experience in senior care, including being recognized with the Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver’s Award in 2013. Here, she shares how she came to SHS and other ways she likes to stay active in the community.

Theresa has been with SHS since 2021, and what she cherishes the most is the opportunity to reminisce with each person she’s meet. “It’s great to discover shared interests and experiences, like the games we played as kids or the places we’ve traveled to”. She loves developing relationships with my clients, whether she’s assisting with day-to-day tasks, going for a walk, shopping, or simply getting coffee together.

Theresa spent 12 years working in the recreation departments of nursing homes and assisted living facilities. During my time in nursing homes, she developed a love for working with seniors, especially those who were experiencing dementia. One of the programs she is most proud of introducing is “Armchair Travelers,” which allowed residents to virtually explore different places from the comfort of their nursing home. Theresa knew she wanted to keep supporting the senior community after retirement, and joining SHS seemed like the perfect way to do that.

Theresa loves spending time with her grandchildren and staying active in my community. She volunteers with Meals on Wheels and serve as a Deacon and on the Missions Committee at my church. Theresa loves having the opportunity to continue giving back in different ways.


Bob Dawson


Bob has been infusing Seniors Helping Seniors, Greater Boston & Metrowest with his kind-hearted spirit since 2017. 

After dedicating 25 years to grinding in the world of institutional investment management and retirement planning at esteemed institutions like State Street Bank and Citistreet, Bob found himself yearning for a different way to enrich his days—something meaningful, flexible, and fulfilling.

Bob found us and decided to join since he believed that his career, education, passion for sports, history, reading, and outgoing personality would make him an ideal companion. He wasn’t wrong! Bob now spends his days on enjoyable outings, leisurely strolls, museum escapades, coffees, lunches, casual chats and even running errands with his clients. 

As a certified financial planner, Bob doesn’t shy away from wearing an additional hat and chatting about sound retirement planning insights to the seniors he so compassionately looks after. But what Bob loves most about his job is the invaluable opportunity to connect and exchange stories with individuals from a kaleidoscope of backgrounds. Some of his clients have grown up in India, Lithuania, Hungary, Norway and elsewhere who lived through difficult times such Nazi and Communist occupations, moved to the United States, and created an incredible life for themselves. 

Bob himself has a personal life goal to visit 80 countries by the time he is 80. He has nicknamed it “80 by 80”. With an impressive tally of 36 countries already under his belt, the horizon promises boundless exploration and discovery since he and his wife love traveling on cruises. 

Jim Zebrowski


Jim Zebrowski has been part of the Seniors Helping Seniors, Greater Boston & Metrowest team for over 5 years, but it’s safe to say that he would have been with us even longer had he discovered our mission sooner.

He worked in IT at a large Boston insurance company for 24 years, although he admits being rather a technology averse, and spent a decade in administration at the Wayland Public Library. However, even while working full-time, Jim had set his mind on other goals. But even while working full time, Jim had a bigger goal in mind – he wanted to make a difference and combat loneliness and isolation, especially among seniors.

Jim’s determination to help led him to explore opportunities at his local church and senior center, but unfortunately, they didn’t have a role for him at the time. However, he didn’t let that discourage him. He joined the front desk at his community’s Council of Aging, where he was involved in various activities. It was during one of the council meetings that an exciting opportunity arose. The senior center director mentioned the need for someone to represent them on BayPath’s Advisory Committee. Without hesitation, Jim eagerly volunteered. As he attended Advisory Board meetings, he began to make a deeper impact. Eventually, the Executive Director approached him with an invitation to join their Board of Directors. It was during this journey that Jim crossed paths with Doug, the owner of SHS Metrowest at that time.

Now, Jim is happily working with two clients and cherishes the time spent with each of them. It’s truly heartwarming for him to witness their zest for life. With one client, he goes on long walks and bike rides, engaging in activities that keep them active and happy. With his other client, who is 88 years old and has dementia, they share beautiful moments playing mahjong games and enjoying each other’s company.

Michelle Hause


Michelle joined the Seniors Helping Seniors, Greater Boston & Metrowest team in December 2021, eager to start a new chapter in her life with a heart full of compassion and a deep desire to give back to the community. Since then, she has made a tremendous impact on everyone she interacts with, spreading infectious happiness and positivity wherever she goes.

Michelle’s days with her clients are filled with meaningful activities and engaging conversations. Her warm and friendly personality immediately puts her clients at ease, and she loves meeting new people and building meaningful relationships with them. She understands the importance of companionship, conversation, and the value of helping seniors feel safe, connected, and valued.

During her visits, Michelle enjoys going for walks with her clients when the weather permits and assisting with some light housework. Her clients appreciate her commitment to providing personalized care, and her positive attitude and genuine interest in their well-being make her a true asset to the SHS team.

One of Michelle’s favorite pastimes is curling up with a good book and during spring she enjoys planting flowers and taking in the beauty of nature. She is also a true yoga enthusiast and practices regularly with her friends, finding it to be a great way to stay active and centered.

Susan Wisniewski


Susan joined Seniors Helping Seniors, Greater Boston & Metrowest in February 2021, after a long career as a postmaster. Susan thrives on helping others, and that’s what drove her to seek out a role with us at SHS, and she immediately bonded with her clients.

She loves being able to provide help, love, companionship and friendship for her clients, and is committed to making sure they are safe and happy. Susan is a true nurturer and quickly works to build trust with her clients and their families. The relationships she’s built is her favorite part about SHS. Recently, Susan had a client get released from the hospital and she lights up when she talks about the excitement they both had when they were reunited. 

A typical day for Susan and her clients involves making sure medicine is taken, helping to shower, get dressed, brushing teeth and styling hair (which she loves doing!). The remainder of the days are spent on little adventures to get lunch, the movies or to see a play, or even a mani/pedi. Other days include a long car ride and conversations, exercises and lots of walks in the fresh air. Susan also helps clients get ready for bed, helps make dinner, and ensures a safe sleep. 

In her free time, Susan loves spending time with her grandchildren, boating, traveling, reading and walking.

Rama Kamath


Rama joined Seniors Helping Seniors, Greater Boston & Metrowest in February 2021, eager to do something she’d be interested in for a while working with the elderly population. Prior to SHS, Rama worked as an architect before owning and managing a restaurant with her husband, which they unfortunately closed due to the pandemic. She was ready for a fresh start in a new industry helping others!

Since losing her mother, Rama finds it nourishing to be able to work and care for elderly clients as she had for years with her own mother. That compassion drives her daily work at SHS. She currently says each visit with her clients feels like she is visiting her mother. With these clients, she cooks, cleans, shops, goes on walks and exercises, all while conversing to stimulate old memories for those who have Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. She feels humbled by their love and appreciation, and notes that this is the most fulfilling job she’s had.

Recently, Rama supported one of her clients through radiation treatments and was with her during her final treatment when she was able to ring the bell to signify the end. She notes how the smile while joyously ringing the bell is one of her best memories to date. Rama is truly inspired by everyone she works with and we’re inspired by her!

In her free time, Rama loves cooking and art, whether it’s painting, architecture or knitting clothing for herself and family. She also loves running with her dog and they recently completed a half marathon!

Gloria Anderson-Armstrong


Gloria joined Seniors Helping Seniors, Greater Boston & Metrowest in February 2020 and dove right in. Gloria had been retired for a year and after learning about SHS from a friend, she was immediately intrigued and applied!

Gloria is a registered nurse who’s dedicated her life to helping others. Prior to working with SHS, she spent 20 years at the Boston VA Medical Center and another 15 years at Boston Children’s Hospital. To get familiar with the line of work we do, Gloria eagerly took our “Caring for People with Alzheimer’s Disease” training and loved that and meeting with our other caregivers.

With SHS, Gloria does a lot of home-based activities with her clients, but also loves to walk their neighborhoods with them. In warmer weather she also likes to visit the Senior Center with her clients for added adventures. She has always enjoyed being around people and as a chatty person, she values the new relationships she has created.

In her free time, Gloria visits with her family members, exercises, and volunteers at the food pantry at her church and local shelter.

Claire Hernandez


Claire joined Seniors Helping Seniors, Greater Boston & Metrowest in October 2017 upon retirement. With her husband still working full time, Claire quickly realized she needed something rewarding to occupy her new free time. Upon discovering SHS, she was excited to be able to do something she loved — helping others!

Prior to working with SHS, Claire worked as a Surgical Technologist in various operating rooms for more than 50 years… quite an accomplishment! She loves how she now has flexibility in her work schedule and how well she’s been matched with each of her clients’ personalities.

Claire notes how each of her client experiences are unique but often they spend a lot of time reminiscing and sharing each others’ life stories. Laughter and music is also a big part of her client experience and she loves singing with clients and finding the fun in everything they do together. She also takes clients on errands, like grocery shopping, doctor appointments and even hair appointments.

She has one client whom she’d often shop with then enjoy walks along the Charles River, visits to museums, libraries and even out to lunch.

Museum visits are a favorite of Claire’s with clients. One of her best SHS memories is visiting the Museum of Fine Arts with a client who could guide her through every single exhibit and artist there!

When she’s not with her SHS clients, Claire enjoys working out and spending time with her husband, daughter and grandson. 

Jeff Conlin


Jeff joined Seniors Helping Seniors, Greater Boston & Metrowest at the end of June 2020 and immediately began helping our team! She had recently lost her volunteer job at Emerson Hospital due to COVID-19 but still wanted to be involved in the community. She heard about SHS from her neighbor, Ed, another one of our caregivers.

Prior to working with SHS, Jeff held various sales and marketing roles for 40 years and then worked as a F.I.S.H. Coordinator. She is a natural-born helper, and loves being a part of a team of people who love what they do, helping others.

With SHS, Jeff provides companionship, performs light household chores like fixing meals and doing laundry, and loves walking and watching Judge Judy with her client (it’s her client’s favorite show!). She is a great listener and loves to talk, bond and connect over shared stories, past memories and laughs.

Jeff dedicates her free time to her dogs and loves to make life fun!

Jon Abrahamson


Jon joined Seniors Helping Seniors, Greater Boston & Metrowest in May 2020. Despite the challenges with Covid-19, he immediately jumped in and began providing excellent care for his clients. Before coming on board, Jon taught english to 7th graders for 40 years, a career he loved.

Jon was attracted to SHS because he was eager to help others while remaining socially engaged. He loves sharing a variety of conversations and activities with his clients. He’s done everything from playing golf with an 87-year-old client to singing campfire songs with another client who could play the banjo but had trouble finishing a sentence. And those are just some of the fun memories he’s created!

Being a former English teacher, Jon often reads with his clients to keep their minds engaged. Jon also enjoys taking walks with his clients to help keep their bodies active.

In his free time, Jon is an avid newspaper and fiction reader. He also maintains an active lifestyle, playing in USTA tennis leagues, golfing, ski racing and cooking with lots of spice!

Gerry Goldstein


Gerry joined Seniors Helping Seniors, Greater Boston & Metrowest in 2017 after working in various hospital and medical offices for 20+ years. From her career experiences, Gerry has a lot of accrued medical knowledge and an empathic awareness of how to help others going through a difficult time which can be seen in all that she does with SHS.

Gerry was drawn to SHS because of the work we do for the senior community and the opportunity to share, bond and provide entertainment and joy to the lives of others. Upon joining SHS, she dove right in, helping to care for an 100-year-old, inquisitive client in her first month and beyond. Gerry provides friendship and companionship to her clients, often cooking, taking drives and getting them up and moving… whether it’s walking around the grocery store or walking around their home to admire the bird feeders!

In her free time, Gerry is a gratefully happy mother and granny! She loves to continue to learn new things (an avid attendee of our training sessions!) and has an energy that’s contagious and humor that brightens the day.

John Griffin


John began his work with SHS in May of 2017 after a long career as a Mental Health Counselor. Upon meeting John and hearing about his background working with individuals struggling with a variety of issues including substance abuse and homelessness, we quickly realized that he had a heart of gold and would work well with our population. John took to learning about his new role as a caregiver with ease and has taken advantage of every learning opportunity that comes his way. We are particularly struck by John’s ability to connect with his clients as a peer. He uses his life experiences to relate to others and approaches his work with a tremendous amount of compassion and empathy. John works hard to find commonalities with his clients, treating them as equals with valuable life experiences and lessons. He is supportive of his Caregiver colleagues and humble about his vast experience and credentials in the mental health industry. To his clients, John is a calm and respectful presence who helps people feel at ease about accepting help, and emphasizing the mutual benefits he receives by the relationship. We are grateful that John chose SHS to enhance life after retirement, or, as John would say, “post-career”!

Amy Ranji


Amy has been working with Seniors Helping Seniors since October of 2016, and she’s been an amazing support to her clients. Amy has an exceptional warmth and compassion, which is apparent immediately after meeting her. She has an infectious smile and laugh, and an uncanny ability to brighten the day of her clients. Amy grew up in Kenya and she understands and is sensitive to how other cultures view aging. Amy takes her role as a caregiver very seriously and is often trying to find creative ways to keep her clients’ engaged. Her clients love her upbeat personality and her willingness to help in any way she can. She is communicative with the office staff and takes advantage of any learning opportunity that she can in order to understand how best to support her clients. She exudes empathy and we feel so fortunate to have her on our team.

Ginny Neumann


Ginny joined Seniors Helping Seniors, Greater Boston & Metrowest in April 2019 and has been providing excellent companionship to her clients ever since! Decades ago, Ginny worked as an outreach social worker for senior citizens and later volunteered with Meals on Wheels and as a SHINE Medicare counselor, and more recently, she spent several years visiting and helping care for her elderly mother. After her mother’s death, found herself missing caregiving and landed with us at SHS, looking to help those who feel vulnerable to feel safe and connected instead.

With that in mind, Ginny is committed to providing companionship to help defray feelings of loneliness, boredom, anxiety and depression that many seniors often face, especially for those living with dementias and other illnesses. Ginny loves to do activities with her clients, especially getting them out of their home for a change of scenery and social stimulation, enabling them to enjoy things they are no longer able to do on their own. This includes meals at restaurants, museums, gardens and walks around the Arnold Arboretum. And for those with mobility issues, she brings fresh activities and conversations to them in the home.

Ginny has noted being blown away by how each of her clients, “in their own way, face each day with courage, grace and humor,” and knew she’d found her calling early on with SHS, when she was picnicking with a client who works hard to overcome aphasia who announced, “I love this!”

Judy Lavine


Judy has been with SHS since 2015, and in fact, was one of the first caregivers that we hired! Judy is a natural caregiver and companion and gives 150% to everyone that she visits. She builds tremendous relationships with all those that she helps – whether it’s visiting with someone twice a week to ensure they are safe, stimulated and engaged, or driving someone to a medical appointment! Judy makes a lasting positive impression on our clients and their families – who are extraordinarily grateful to have her in their life. Judy is an advocate for everyone she spends time with. She is thorough, communicative and always warm. Judy is exceptionally flexible and goes out of her way to accommodate the different needs of everyone that she helps and supports. When asked recently about her time on staff at SHS, Judy replied that she feels fortunate that the lovely people she takes care of are ones she truly enjoys spending time with. We are lucky to have such a thoughtful and conscientious bright light in our SHS family.


Marge David


Marge has been working for SHS since 2016. During her time on staff, she has made a big impact on both her clients and her colleagues. Marge is a retired pediatric nurse and has been able to apply a combination of clinical knowledge and compassion to the work that she does with her clients. Her clients refer to her as a “treasure” and “superb” and we agree! Marge is kind and patient in the face of resistance and has the ability to make even the most ambivalent clients receptive to care. Marge has an amazing ability to make people feel like she’s an old and dear friend. She is insightful and intuitive; both qualities that make her stand out as an exceptional caregiver. We have learned a lot from Marge and find ourselves seeking her guidance on challenging situations. We feel very fortunate to have Marge on our SHS caregiving team!

Victor Stewart


Victor came on board Seniors Helping Seniors in September 2020, inspired by his desire to give back and be helpful to others at this stage of his life. His background includes personal family experience with dementia. Victor earned an associate’s degree from Ben Franklin Institute of Technology in Boston; before joining SHS, he worked in the automotive industry for 25 years, preceded by administrative stints in healthcare and corporate world settings. While in the auto industry, Victor worked primarily as a mechanic. He has a friendly, easy-going personality and is very empathic, making him a good fit for this work. Family is very important to Victor and much of his family lives on his block, a rarity these days. When not working, Victor likes to keep active and enjoys camping, biking, hiking with his dog, gardening, reading, and anything car-related.

Kathy Bergeron


Kathy joined Seniors Helping Seniors, Greater Boston & Metrowest in 2022, drawn to our outlook that peers make the best caregivers, a philosophy that deeply resonated with her.

Kathy had a fulfilling career as a nurse, dedicating a significant portion of it to caring for elderly individuals before retiring to care for her mother, who lived well beyond 100 years old. She was eager to join SHS and bring her wealth of life experience to the role, while also embracing the opportunities to socialize, learn and grow with others.

Outside of work, Kathy leads an active lifestyle and enjoys a variety of activities such as swimming, walking, reading, listening to music, and mingling in poetry. She has been happily married to her husband for 50 years and together they have four children and seven grandchildren. They share a love for the theater, going on trips to Maine, and indulging in Chinese cuisine.

Aina Dixon


Aina has been exchanging her time and companionship for warm smiles and heart-felt gratitude from her clients at Seniors Helping Seniors, Greater Boston & Metrowest since November of 2022.

It was a stroke of luck that through her love of reading Aina stumbled upon our flyer at her local library’s bulletin board, and she decided to embark on a new journey with us!

Before joining the team, Aina had a long career in inventory management and sales analysis and was contemplating what her next chapter in life might look like. Little did she know that her desire to give back and help others would lead her to SHS, where she could use her skills and passion for connecting with people to make a difference in the lives of seniors in her community.

No matter what her clients need, Aina is always ready to lend a hand with a smile on her face. Whether it’s accompanying them to appointments, running errands, or simply spending time together, Aina makes sure that each moment is special and memorable.

When she’s not busy caring for her clients, Aina can be found indulging in her love for long walks, reading books on the beach, skiing, spending time with family and friends, and traveling.

Bruce Arafe


Bruce Arafe has been with Seniors Helping Seniors, Greater Boston & Metrowest since late 2020.

After a long career as a mental health counselor and 40 years spent building and running his own company, Bruce was captivated by the opportunity this role gave him to share his compassion and expertise with others in his stage of life. He has found true fulfillment in his job as a caregiver, knowing he gets to make a meaningful contribution to his community every day and create the positive impact he wants to see in society.

Through his interaction with clients, each day is a chance for laughter, shared stories, and heartfelt moments that make both him and his clients feel valued and loved. Bruce cherishes these special times and holds the smiles of his clients close to his heart. One of his favorite memories is of a client singing Frank Sinatra; he still remembers how impressed he was by his client’s singing abilities and the emotions it sparked inside him. Bruce also loves learning about the remarkable contributions many of his clients have made to the United States and the world, like one client who played a vital role in creating the airport radar used in airports today.  

Typically, his days with clients are filled with engaging conversations while walking around the neighborhood, going on coffee runs, or enjoying meals at restaurants.

Outside of work, Bruce enjoys picking up the tennis racquet for a friendly match or hitting the golf course. He loves to travel and has visited Central America, Europe, many of the Caribbean islands, and lived in Canada during his teenage years.

Michael Tournas


How long have you been with SHS? What drove you to work with SHS?  

I met someone who was working with SHS and they spoke about their positive experience. I’ve been with SHS since Sept 2023.

What is your favorite part about SHS?   

I love meeting new people and being part of a community.

What type of help and companionship do you provide for your clients?

It depends on the client, but it begins with just listening and providing companionship. I also try to include some sort of exercise like walking and/or yoga.

What’s a typical day in the life with you and one of your clients?

A typical day with Peter starts with a 1.75-mile walk along a path near his home followed by 30 minutes of yoga. During our walks, we share stories and discuss current events.

What is one of your favorite memories about working with SHS?

I’ve lived in Needham for 10+ years, but I had not visited the numerous parks and botanical gardens. One of my clients is a Mass Audubon member and we visited many wonderful sites.

What did you do before working with SHS?

I was an electrical engineer for Raytheon designing air traffic control systems. I also worked for Lockheed Martin marketing defense systems throughout the international market.  

When you aren’t working with SHS, what are your hobbies?

I’ve been practicing yoga for 25+ years and I enjoy traveling, especially the Greek islands. I also enjoy reading historical nonfiction.